If you're a professional Web Designer or developer, you have undoubtedly customers with websites. These clients can be hosting with another company and pay anywhere from $ 49.00 per month to $ 4.95 per month. Regardless of where they host, is that money that you will not participate. Why? You can make another $ 400 to $ 1500 + per month coming in with no effort on your part? Of course you could! It will keep the wife happy and/or keep the friend drink good wine.
Here is how you can get free hosting and then sell it to your customers and keep 100% of the margin. You will spend what a Reseller Account cost of the hosting company you choose and approximately $ 14.95/mo to achieve this, but it will pay for itself within 3 months if you deploy.
1. go to one of the big hosting companies like GoDaddy, DreamHost, Bluehost and HostGator etc.
2. sign up as a Reseller. If you can afford, sign up for the best reseller plan they have.
3. all these hosting companies offer a kind of "Premium" hosting account. Using this Premium Account allows you to as many websites as you want to host. You also get unlimited storage and bandwidth.
4. after the purchase of the premium hosting account, link to a domain name and simply put a coming soon page in the root directory.
5. Log in to your Premium account CP and go to Domain Management. The clients domain add. It will ask you to create a new folder. Make one for the client and log out. (Please read the online Help file you need additional instructions.)
6. wait 30 minutes and then log in again. You should see, within your domain management area, your client's domain or a kind of control that the setup is complete
7. now your FTP account Premium new and confirm that the new folder was created.
8. If you want the new folder appears, a simple index.htm page COMING SOON in placing. Nothing fancy for now, we come back and create a better later.
9. now everything is set up on your end customer, login to your domain registrar and the ANAME record for their domain to modify the IP of your premium hosting account. If she emails already setup, to take account of this, and note the MX records for your records and in case these records changed when the ANAME is passed (you may or may not be back in the MX records but write them anyway.). The ANAME record to save and logout.
10. within a few hours, their domain name on your Premium Hosting IP. If so, your premium hosting account will know which directory to point to and you'll see your page Coming Soon when you go to their URL ...
At this point, is what you have actually done secure free hosting for the client. Then simply them whatever fee you charge for hosting and the annual bill. Under is $ 200 for the year is an acceptable amount for most people. This allows you to 100% of the hosting costs capture and clients with world class hosting services offer.
What if my customer wants to have FTP access to their account?
Simple. Just create an additional FTP user in your Premium account and access to their specific folder assign. They can not access someone else's stuff. This is a simple, effective and profitable way to capture income you may be missing. Some will argue that it is not free because you $ 14.95 per month pay. If you only have one client, the account is free for you. Besides, you can now sell all kinds of website related products via your reseller account and even hosting accounts if your client prefers automatic monthly billing.
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