If you have a blog on a free host, such as Blogger.com and WordPress.com, can then be closed by the free host if you change the Terms Of Service (TOS violation). You can avoid this by owning your own blog.
The problem with a blog hosted on a free service like Blogger.com and WordPress.com is that you must accept the free host TOS. If you violate the TOS, then the free host pulling the plug on your blog through this exit. Note: it is important to know that WordPress is a free service (which WordPress.com), in addition to the self-hosted version of WordPress that is installed on your Web host. See WordPress.org for the self-hosted version of WordPress.
It doesn't matter how much hard work and effort you put into your free blog, or how much revenue you could earn from it, or how popular it is. If you like the free host violate TOS, then poof! At night, your blog disappear without warning.
I was recently busy looking for a WordPress theme for a client, when I followed a link to a blog about themes that I wanted to check. I found the link on the second page results of a Google search, and I thought it might be something of interest for my client. To my surprise, instead of the blog appear, appeared the announcement of the WordPress.com Blog TOS Shutdown on my computer screen. I have no idea what this free WordPress.com blog did to shut it down, but I think it somehow violated the WordPress.com TOS.
The one thing I know for sure is that WordPress.com pulled the plug on this blog ... it's gone. This would not have happened if the person who had the free hosted WordPress.com blog about WordPress themes instead had owned his or her own blog.
It is my opinion that if you are going to start blogging, and if you are planning a lot of effort in your blog, then you must be the owner of your own blog and do not depend on a free blog hosting service. I strongly recommend that you own your own blog. Only then are you the master of your blogging ship, will you have full control over all things related to your blog.
How to create your own blog itself:
Host. Buy a web hosting plan from a web hosting service.
Register a domain name at a domain registrar.
Use the WordPress blogging platform available from WordPress.org.
A blog that your own is a self-hosted blog that you install on your chosen web hosting service. A self-hosted blog is often referred to as a paid blog. A self-hosted blog will be mostly, and should have its own unique domain name (URL-Uniform Resource Locator) associated with it. The WordPress blogging platform works beautifully and is very, very popular among bloggers.
I happen to have some blogs that I own. I host and pay for my Web hosting, and I have registered domain names for each of these blogs. In every blog I use WordPress as my blogging platform. These are all standalone blogs. I own my own blogs and I'm the only one who can choose to shut it down, assuming of course that I have my web hosting account fees continue to pay! By the way, web hosting and domain registration prices are very affordable.
If you're going to have a blog, and if you plan to make an effort where you the valuable time, energy, effort, and thought into it, if you plan or hope to earn money from the blog, if you're going to provide a service, or selling of goods and merchandise, if you want to professionalism and credibility, then for goodness sakes, own your own blog. Don't be at the mercy of a free blog service, the terms of service.
Do yourself a favor, own your own WordPress blog if you are going to get serious about blogging. Your own registered domain name and a Web host of your choice. This gives you full control over your blog. The Big Kahuna, the Supreme Dictator of this kind of blog are you because you are the owner. You have control over how your blog looks, what, what subjects you cover, which features the blog has, and. .. Well, everything!
Own your own blog and you are the one who decides her fate and future. It really is that simple.
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