There are many online websites that offer free hosting services. Some of these sites are Weebly, BlinkWeb, and Yola. The purpose of these websites is to assist you in making money, and then once you make money, you go to a paid account with them upgrade. Whether or not you use them is up to you, but here are some pros and cons of free hosting the decision to help you.
The pros.
Free. The thing that is attractive to so many is the fact that they are free. A lot of people coming online don't know if they will succeed, and that is why they are reluctant to pay for in anything. This is why the free websites are a great place to test the waters.
Learning experience. The goal is to start making money online, so you will be a paying customer. Thus get most free hosting providers you step by step training to help you set up your website so that you can begin to make money online. BlinkWeb and Yola are two of those site that provide you with excellent training.
The Cons
Downtime. One of the largest downs is the fact that many of these free hosting providers are not reliable. If your website is down, you not only will not be making any money, but it can also make your credibility as an online entrepreneur ruin.
High Hosting costs. You can always upgrade to a paid hosting account, but the truth is that the price you ultimately pay is much higher than if you were to buy your hosting from a hosting company. One of the cheapest and most reliable web hosting companies is HostGator.
No control. Another one of the disadvantages is that you have no control over the layout of your website. You are provided with different layouts that you can somewhat, but when it really comes down to it, you are very limited with what you can do. On top of that you are not the owner of the design, and so if you ever want to switch to a new provider, you must start all over again.
So hopefully this information will help you to make an informed decision is whether a free hosting account something that you want to begin with. To be honest with you, they are a great way for you to learn the ropes of internet marketing, but in the long run you are better off going with a more reliable hosting company like HostGator.
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