Why even waste your time with free hosting? A lot of free hosting sites have big ugly banners at the top of the website. Some free hosting sites will even take the freedom to pop-ups on your site and they will even banners at the bottom of your website. Who wants to spend time with their computer freeze on them because of these pop-ups, or the site may even be unleashing malicious software (many of these are for anti-virus software) on the computer of your customer. This happened to me once and I got a good two days trying to get it from my computer. If you are going to a free web hosting company check box to make sure they are good and reliable, a large part of them are, but there are some that you should stay away.
But why use free webhosting when so many sites offer good cheap hosting, as little as 4.95 per month. I started when it was more than 14,00 per month and you are running low on disk space or bandwidth hosting. There is nothing worse than having your site being shut down because you already have your bandwidth by the middle of the month had used. This is no longer a problem, with larger disks and faster and larger servers by hosting companies. The reliability of these servers is amazing, the down time is almost non-existent and the service is excellent.
If you want to be taken seriously, and you want people to visit you more often, it is best to set up a website that can be taken seriously. The only banners on your website must be ones that you agree to have on your website. Web hosting is so cheap now you should be able to afford the costs and you should be taken seriously.
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