
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Servers of game and business of dedicated server - why many providers do not allow the

Of many dedicated hosting providers allow game servers be hosted on their network. This article provides an overview of why this is the case.

Game servers generate lots of data transfer

Game servers are very intensive bandwidth. From a web application hosting, game servers generate a constant flow of traffic over long periods of time for each user. To ensure that the game is good, the servers also work best with latency low and fast, in other words, good quality and local bandwidth networks. Due to the large amount of bandwidth consumed, costs of accommodation are high with price sensitivity.

Individuals or business customers?

Most of the game server operators generally are individuals rather than established companies. Hosting companies dedicated however are very focused on the delivery of business services. Companies by nature tend to have a level of dependency on services and a level of tolerance to disrupt services which is very different from that of individuals. One of the major costs of the provision of services for game servers is bandwidth. A network that meets the needs of businesses and individuals running budget is the complex challenge.

Good markets vs quality Internet connections

For a hosting provider to offer a good service, they need to operate a network that is fast and free of congestion. Users tend to tolerate their own Internet connection slow in congestion and peak usage periods and the ratios of contention on a network of the ISP is common. A Web hosting perspective however it is rarely tolerated. A slow link means a bad experience for each potential customer who concludes the hosted application. Provide a quality service in a network perspective means:
Low-latency Internet connectivity Internet connectivity which is always free of congestion (in normal operation) good Internet connectivity to domestic peer - band bandwidth ie routing step, through minimal international carriers fault redundant network links. Faults of constant monitoring and rapid response to any degradation of service

It is very difficult to do all this with a low cost.

At anchor, we used to return to the game server hosting and we never managed to a single client land. The prices, we discovered that we were in competition are the most often in the within of the our costs. Only, we can assume that the band did not come with all the functions above.

Load on the network infrastructure

For each Mbps or GB of transfer of data over a network, by nature game traffic generates a higher load on routers and switches amount. Router support is generally proportional to the count of packets than byte count. Games traffic consists generally of a very large number of very small packages (ie, lots of packages and several bytes). This increased load increases the cost of infrastructure component that requires in turn higher prices on a service which is already very cost sensitive.

Responsibility for the attack DoS

Unfortunately on a game server operating accommodation network presents an increased risk of DoS attacks. When the competitive element of a game divides the real world and results in a not so happy gamer that triggers a DoS attack against the source of the problem, the network suffers, and all other customers would suffer. It is a risk of many web hosters are not prepared to take.

Games as a vs game as a hobby business model

There is absolutely no doubt that there is money to online games and there are many examples of highly profitable companies doing this. World of Warcraft, Runescape etc etc. However such examples provide hosting games as a business with models very carefully calculated to ensure that the accommodation costs are supported by the revenue generating operations.

Hosting a game server so that you and your friends can play together in a suitable environment, it is a very different perspective. Even even if end users are paying access to game server, the number of users must be very high before the bandwidth of quality hosting can be covered.

Specialist game server providers

There are companies that specialize in the provision of accommodation game server. I think it's fair to say that if a hosting company provides of accommodation game server it will be actively announced on their Web site. The absence of such advertisements, or of an article such as this should be a pretty clear indicator that the server hosting game is not their thing.

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