
Friday, December 9, 2011

Dedicated hosting has many advantages

Compared to share web hosting, it is more expensive to host your web site on a dedicated server. You may wonder why even think of using a dedicated hosting solution. There are several benefits to having your own dedicated server. There are several providers of accommodation with different web hosting plans that can provide you with the right type of dedicated web hosting.

The first and perhaps the greatest advantage of dedicated web hosting is the stability and reliability. Your server has an operating time higher if there is not other users on the same server. With people sharing the same server, you have a risk of overload of the server. It is also possible that some of the webmasters of other sites on the same server may be beginners that write the code that will be the server crash.

The advantage of the second and perhaps as important is the customization. With a dedicated server, you get to choose the server operating system and all the features of the server. If you need special server software or extensions there is no one telling you that it is impossible. You can even choose the control panel that you will use to manage the server.

Third advantage of dedicated web hosting is security. You are the only person that has access to the dedicated server. You can be sure that nobody is install any malicious code or viruses on the server that hosts your Web site never important. You can even you own external firewall to make sure that you are the only person authorized to access the server.

Fourth advantage is that you have more options with hard disk drives. With a dedicated server, you can choose to have two hard drives where else the hard disk will always be a mirror image of the other. It is almost impossible for mirroring two hard disks to go to the poor at the same time. Never, you will lose all the data because of a hard disk failure.

A unique IP address is the fifth major advantage. With a dedicated server, you are guaranteed to have a unique IP address. A shared server has an IP address and special header reading software determines what Web site traffic is directed to the site that real. This can slow down a server. Upgrade is the advantage of the sixth. You are free to upgrade your way dedicated server you like.

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