A virtual private server (VPS) is a method of splitting a server. Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting is the future of web hosting. Each virtual server can run its own operating system in its own right, and each server can be rebooted independently.The practice of partitioning a single server so that it appears that multiple servers has long been common practice in mainframe computers, but has seen resurgence lately with the development of virtualization software and technologies for other architectures. Virtual private servers bridge the gap between web hosting services and dedicated shared hosting, giving independence from other customers of the VPS service in software terms but at less cost than a physical dedicated server. As a VPS runs its own copy of its operating system, customers have superuser-level access for this instance of the operating system and can install almost any software that runs on the operating system. Virtual Private Servers are ideal for those seeking total control of their server in a secure environment. The nodes of powerful features quad core, the whole root / administrator access, equipped with all FFMpeg & Red5 Modules, powered by cPanel & centos linux.
ServerGuard Security is a security suite and optimization of powerful exclusive with five main objectives - to harden and increase server security, prevent spam and intrusions, increase availability and reliability of the server, improve and optimize server performance and improve the overall health system.
cPanel WHM panel is a management tool complete server. With cPanel WHM, you will be able to do anything for the management of disk quota and bandwidth of your account, set up email, mysql databases and security installation and other software.cPanel allows you to easily manage your server and customize it to your exact needs. It has the complete administration interface server. It is fully customizable & scalable. It also includes separate server administrator, dealer and owner of the domain of interfaces. A user can host unlimited domains per server. Automatic updates to the server is also a functionality. Domain management, email, databases, backups are essential features that are included in VPS hosting. A user can set quota limits for disk space and bandwidth. A user is provided with free analytics stats, virus scanner and game servers Free Webmail, FTP and DNS are also certain characteristics.
Fantastico is the software auto-installer leader in the lodging industry. Fantastico integrates with cPanel and gives you the ability to install multiple instances of a script, you and your clients web hosting. One-Click installation of Blogs, forums, galleries, wiki, CMS and much more is available in fantastico. A user can update and manage blogs, forums, galleries and much more with a click. A user can install multiple instances dozens of scripts where ever and whenever.
Virtuozzo Power Panel is another management tool specially designed easy to use for your virtual dedicated server. You now have an additional way to control your virtual dedicated server, even when offline. If it's down, manage resources and view logs of your server, you can restart your server. Features include - start, stop, or restart your virtual dedicated server, for the current resource consumption and resource use of alerts, view system alerts and be notified on site and change the root password & view logs of server.
Red5 & Flash Modules are installed on demand for all our servers. Red5 hosting is a free implementation of a Flash Media Server based on protocol engineering. It supports streaming and audio / video recording, publishing workflow, live and Flash remoting and you can start your own website video streaming live. Features include - FFmpeg, Mplayer, mencoder, FFmpeg-PHP flvtool2 and all preinstalled, fully compatible with clipshare, PHPmotion, and other VideoShare Clones youtube, instant installation & installation of PHPmotion & Red5 Modules exclusively at HostV, php4 & php5 preinstalled with libogg, libvorbis and lame mp3 encoder, setup script video (VSI) included, Red5 is an open source Java implementation of a free Flash Media Server and Red5 supports streaming and recording of audio / video, live stream publishing and Flash remoting.
Instant Server is a backup solution for enterprise data protection technology to R1Soft Continuous Data. Instant backup server automatically each server & hosting relies entirely on a daily basis with multiple restore points. The backups are then compressed, encrypted and securely stored on servers in physically separate backup storage. Features - daily full backups & incremental backups up to two weeks, multiple restore points for previous 7 days, restore any file, email, database or even to complete your account at any time by contacting us, RAID protectedservers, data storage enterprise, High Performance - Server snapshot results in minimal impact on performance during daily backups, bare-metal disaster recovery: Restore servers directly from backup disqueCryptage end-to-end backups.Backups are compressed and stored securely on servers in physically separate backup storage.
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