Actually, there are a few hosting providers these requirements. Many companies offer free hosting just for a start, but then suddenly start getting money for the whole service. Most of the hosting providers require advertising banners are posted on the site pages, or a customer can use non-paid hosting but for a limited period of time (for about a year). At the same time, many companies offer relatively qualitative hosting, presupposes that the presence of different functions in exchange for banner ads on customers Web pages. Furthermore, most hosting providers which do not require banner positioning, weak servers. In some cases, servers do not quite answered.
How hosting companies earn their living as they do not advertise on customer Web pages do? These companies are trying to earn money at the expense of the paid listings for users. Very often is the price for paid service not great. If to take up such a service of free hosting, then one can discover that options Frontpage Extensions or CGI-BIN directory gets only for a limited time, and for the further use that you will have to pay. Another opportunity to earn money for a hosting provider working for free is a regular mailing to clients ads on some of the product. In this case an advertiser pays for a hosting company.
Strategies using free hosting
On the first hosting companies behavior is ideal: there are fast servers, exact scripts work, good traffic. But sooner or later all that freezes. This is connected with a multiplicative interest to hosting, when you open new and new sites, as a result, servers cannot cope with pressure, scripts may not work correctly.
A tip. If you're looking for free hosting because of lack of money, just buy a domain name. First register. This will cost you a lot: about 10-12 dollars per year for com, net and org. everything you need to get is a CMS and a free forwarding. With the help of forwarding will you be able to forward visitors to a free hosting you choose. If hosting starts to work wrongly, wont you a site on another hosting Copy and make her forwarding your main domain name. The rest that is needed is the use of the offers of free hosting companies on the allocation of a temporary site without advertisements.
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