You can usually hosting for just a few $ $ these days, but still, what's the point when you can get it for free? There are hundreds of free hosts out there that can save you a lot of money and a top service to offer and have a great up-time record.
When searching for a free host you should really spend some time sifting through all offers and choose the best for you and your website. These are some of the things to look out for when choosing a free host:
Space-how much MB or GB is the free host that you are offering?
Bandwidth-how much monthly bandwidth you consume?
Ads-will the free host forcing ads on your site?
Languages-depending on the language that you have encoded your Web site must be in a suitable host that supports that language (PHP, ASP, etc)
Databases-the host supports your requirement database? For example, MySQL-If Yes, how many databases they offer you? How many databases will your site need?
Email-the free host offers you email? You can have multiple e-mail addresses? If so, how much?
Up time-the site has a good uptime record? A lot of time designing/coding an amazing website would be completely wasted if the hosting servers kept down and nobody could visit your site!
If you take the time to do a little research before you choose your free host you can certainly save yourself a lot of money. Into account all of the articles listed above, and as long as they meet your requirements from a host then go for it! An important thing to look for is regarding forced ads. You may have a great looking website but your free host can force a large banner along the top or bottom of your site and completely ruin the design. Try and find a host that is forcing not ads, there are plenty around!
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