
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to Evaluate a Managed Hosting Service Provider

Many businesses use managed hosting because they don't have the time or the manpower to manage it on their own. In other words, they do not have to worry about a lot of the grief that comes along with managing their own hosting. The truth is that they are able to let someone else worry about keeping everything up and running. However, the idea is that the managed hosting service provider will keep everything up and running the way it is supposed to. That means going on the search to find a company that will do just that.

What to look for

When evaluating a managed hosting service provider, you have to know what to look for. Here is a list of some of the tasks that should be provided by a managed hosting service provider:

- Backup of remote data
- Security monitoring
- IT services
- Technical assistance
- Technical assistance

However, you have to make sure that the number one priority of the managed hosting service provider is the managed hosting. They have a staff that takes care of the tasks that would be taken care of in your business if you had your own managed hosting. Instead, they are an off-site service that makes the managed hosting or your business their number one priority.

How to evaluate

Once you have determined what it is they offer, you need to look up some credentials. You can do this by checking with the Better Business Bureau, reading online reviews, and talking to other businesses that have used them for their services.

You may also want to see if the service offers you an evaluation period. This means that you can park your website with them for a specific amount of time and try them out. During this period, you can ensure that you have 100% uptime, that all of your technical demands are addressed, and that the service is up to par. If it isn't, there should be no obligation for you to stay with that company after the evaluation period. You should be able to freely move your website to any other managed hosting service. Just make sure you undergo the same process and that is allowing you a period to evaluate.

You also want to make sure that you don't get too comfortable during the evaluation period. Anything that occurs that puts a sour taste in your mouth should not be acceptable. Sure, things do happen and you can evaluate the circumstances, but make sure that too many misfortunes do not happen often. That may mean that they don't have all of their ducks in a row.

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