What is the difference between the free hosting and paid hosting?
There are dozens of online sites where you can get a website on the internet. The main problem with these websites is that you have absolutely no control over them. I understand that many people starting in internet marketing may not be much money to invest in the initial phase, however, have your online business to start with a free website is a big mistake!
Firstly, when your website is hosted on a freebie webhost, take a lot of people didn't you
seriously and cannot trust you very much. With all the scamming there today in the internet, it's no surprise that their guard up more people than ever have. The vast majority of people would not even consider buying a site that is not professional looking. Certainly it can be nice to have a free site for friends and family members to share photos or something, but when it comes to dealing with clients, the question of confidence is definitely important. You make a good first impression if you want your visitors confidence!
Not only trust is a factor, there's also the fact that you have no control what so ever about what happens to your website. Since you are not the owner of the server that your website is hosted on, there is always the possibility that your website could be removed without any explanation at all. There's really no way to backup your website with free webhosts either. If something happens and all your content was removed, there is no way to get it back!
There is also the issue of credibility. If you have a good online presence like, using a freebie
webhost is not a good place to start. I don't know about you, but if I saw someone the website on a free hosting site, and they said they are an expert in that niche, I certainly would think twice before I bought everything.
A domain costs less than $ 10 per year, and you can get a good shared hosting account for only $ 7 to $ 10 per month, so why would it not be an expert have their own website? Seems sketchy to me, and it is usually. People take notice to this sort of thing. You must keep your online business seriously, and branding yourself if this is not a good way to start. When looking for a paid web host, it is best to find unlimited add-on domains. This way you can host as many websites as you on your hosting account at no additional cost. The only extra cost is the price of the domain name itself. It just makes sense to go with paid hosting services you're even the slightest bit serious about your online business.
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