If you're new to online marketing you are likely to debate whether you need your own domain or web hosting account. You will see all the free hosting sites and wonder what's so bad about them ... so why not just go with what they have to offer.
And then someone says, "you get what you pay for. .. if it is free from any value cannot be." Part of you believes it and the other part does not want to believe, maybe you're broke, or you just don't want to lose your hard earned money. So what do you do without knowing all the facts?
To be honest, it doesn't really matter which route you at this point. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Free hosting will work for a, but not the other, and also with paid hosting. The most important, however, is that you don't give up! There is no success in giving.
Experiment. If you're new to online marketing than you need to set up a site with a free hosting provider just to get a basic knowledge of how it works. This gets the ball rolling and you can learn at the same time. If you make mistakes you can easily start over without worry about loosing money.
Educate yourself. Start learning html and css to the fundamental insight on what is involved in designing your own site. go to to learn everything that you need to know about html, css, and more. Keep a journal to remember you without losing everything to help your mind.
When you're ready, you can buy your own hosting plan without feeling overwhelmed by the whole process of setting up your own website.
You can then use your existing free websites to link to your new site to help get the word out about your new site. When you look at it from this perspective, you really don't waste no time by the creation of the free websites, because now you can create your own build backlinks.
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