If you often wonder is free web hosting not good? Then it is likely that you may have heard about the fall of these free services. The following paragraphs will address reasons this free hosting services are not recommended and how these free services can cause more harm than good.
Is free Web Hosting a Scam? Tell Me more
Free webhosting is indeed a scam. These companies promise users free websites with a unique domain name but they actually give users a domain name that is an extension from their own site. Free services also promise users a quick site, but they only allow a limited bandwidth and a low data transfer rate. These services are extremely risky because they can go out of business at any time will mean that your website will also go offline. This free companies do not guarantee that your site is online at all times will remain when the main site and your site will also be affected. Most free Web hosts also post ads on your Web page that looks very unprofessional and annoying.
If free Hosting no good what should I do?
If you are a professional site you should then consider spending $ 7-$ 10 a month and registry with a paid hosting company. Unlike free services paid hosting companies are reliable because they have a reputation to care. These companies allot of users with a unique and custom domain name. Paid companies place ads on your site without your permission and they offer technical assistance in the event you ever need help. Companies that charge a fee per month also offer faster bandwidth, an e-mail box with a large capacity and a good data transfer speed. Some paid services also offer a discount if you for 3 months or more pay.
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