Sometimes you need to get started with a good website to start with a free website hosting company. Of course, you usually get what you pay for. I used free hosting to play around with while learning to design, before I got my first real domain name bought and paid hosting account. Below I have compiled a list of free hosting companies who have good stats and good reviews.
When I look for a free hosting company for my clients that I particularly looking for a few things. Firstly they ad free. This means no advertising anywhere on the page ... period. I know that they have to make money somewhere, but I would rather not be in the direct view of my visitors. Secondly, I would like to a MySQL database because I write most of my code in PHP and it makes everything easier when you have a database for storing all dynamic information. Finally, it must access e-mail account. It just looks more professional for everyone when an email comes from the name of the domain rather than a generic email business. Take a look at the list that we of our favorite providers have.
Bravenet was my first ever experience with website hosting, just because they are known around the internet. They were good for me and I still choose to receive emails from them with regard to some of their services. They are good for static websites, but you must pay for interacting with the PHP and MySQL. One of the bad things with them for me was the ads they placed on your site. They were intrusive and annoying, but I think that if you do not pay for it they need to make money in any way.
Here is a list of all the specs that they have for their free hosting:
Unlimited domains/subdomains, 1.5 GB bandwidth, 5 MB disk space, 1 FTP account, and a great website builder.
If I had to choose a Web host that free service I would choose They not only give you free hosting ad-less, you can also use their MySQL databases at no additional cost. Their free hosting is almost as good as some hosting companies paid service.
Here is a list of all the specs that they have for their free hosting:
5 domain/sub domains, CPANEL Access 2 MySQL databases, 5 email accounts, 1 FTP account and a great website builder.
MySitePages is a great tool for beginners to get started with their own website. They are a free advertising service that resembles 000Wehost in many ways. Website hosting submissions are reviewed by humans so they usually block spammers or phishers. Usually ...
Here is a list of all the specs that they have for their free hosting:
1 domain/3 sub domains, CPANEL access, 1 MySQL databases, 5 email accounts, 1 FTP account, 150 MB of disk space, 2 GB of bandwidth.
Freehostia is a great tool for people who want free hosting. They have many tools for designers to use which included free of charge with the hosting account. You have access to Wordpress/Joomla templates, database access, and a large line of support. Their free hosting services include a 99.9% uptime guarantee. We have entry was banner-less? It is.
Here is a list of all the specs that they have for their free hosting:
5 domain/15 subdomains, CPANEL access, 1 3 MySQL databases, email accounts, 1 FTP account, 250 MB of disk space, 6 GB bandwidth.
BeeSimple is a hosting company that has a great WYSIWYG Site Builder with more than 600 + free templates. Their hosting also comes with no ads, or any other form of advertising. They have a one button click script installer to help you with that long to install.
Here is a list of all the specs that they have for their free hosting:
5 domain/5 subdomains, CPANEL access, 7 MySQL databases, 300 MB disk space, 10 GB bandwidth.
Finally, I will say that I use and love 000WebHost and BeeHappy. They are really free hosting companies with much to offer. Don't take our word for it, try them all out and place your comments below.
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