The first thing that you must realize when looking for a free hosting provider that nothing is really "free". There will be some sacrifices ...
Firstly, if you free hosting that promises to be without ads or banners, it's not really free.
For example,, promises "free, Banner-free" hosting, but in reality what they actually say is that if you have a domain of them for $ 25/year ( $ 8.95/year) register or if you would like to transfer a domain for a fee of $ 35 then and only then they will give you 100 MB of free hosting, that is why they have $ 5 dollars for every reference to the of "free" hosting can offer. Much, right?
Tips for choosing a free hosting provider ...
1) always choose the provider that puts ads on your site about the person who claims not to. The companies that serve ads on your site places tend to be more stable and you always No your partnership with them, "I make site" + "they put ads" = Win-Win. But when you choose a host that claims not to serve ads on your site gives you all kinds of freedoms to exploit you for a quick dollar, such as sell your e-mail address or shrinking your space to force you to upgrade to a paid package.
2) always opt for a free hosting provider that offers sub-domains in the form. Not only is this more professional but it also helps with getting repeat visitors and Search Engine Optimization, which strides for each site.
3) make sure they can provide you with upgrades (both for sub domains and domains), because when the day cometh that your sub domain site gets a million hits and begins making sufficient amounts of money you won't want to change your sites URL and lose all your returning visitors and search engine rankings.
The important point is that free hosting a partnership between the provider and the "customer". Everyone wants to get something in return, whether it is advertising space or sell other services, so the basic rule of thumb would be a win-win situation, but to verify that there is a way to get out unscathed and the partnership unbalanced one way or the other.
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