Is a provider of Web hosting can be a very tricky especially when you are away free trials or even free hosting. Some people respect your hosting, but usually people abuse the privilege and use their free account to send unsolicited bulk emails or deliberately trying to break your terms and conditions. I'm starting to think that it should be a kind of Rage coming out!
Our original idea when we first started was to supply free and paid hosting, I'm sure many of you out there had the same thoughts. But once the word came about "free Hosting", our servers really soon began to fill with total junk and it must have been spammers heaven! I can only imagine what would have happened if we would have let them get on with it!
So where we go from here? We stopped providing free accounts, but we gave the Honorable couple one year free hosting. The rest of the spammers and terms of condition breachers were immediately booted out of our servers. These people may not really understand that we have equipment that oversees them and we also manually checking their websites. But in general the bad people do not each of us a favor, they know who they are and I really hope they get to read this!
So we decided to get a free trial version for months! To let people test our services free to see if they thought it was before the payment of money, do you think worked? You probably guessed the right, not it worked and Yes all Spammers came back, along with their partners this time! lol
So now we have stopped giving away free trials with the exception of a very small 30 Mb trial account that we have built and the only last for 1 month. Its a shame that the honest people will suffer, but it appears that most likely is the only way to stop spammers and TOC Breacher and still let the honest people try our services free!
Why they think they can get away with free trial accounts and using them for illegal activities? Well first of all they actually think that they are very smart! Here's one that I came yesterday and you're going to laugh this!
I someone's account for the provision of false information about their billing account suspended, the address he put was in Berlin, Germany, his IP address was in the United States, and when he contact us via live support he said that he was from Kosovo, while chatting with our live support he openly admitted to our female representative (while chatting her up and gave her his ' real ' email account details hahaha) that he in fact was in Albania!
It turned out that he had 3 accounts opened with us, delivering the same address but changed the numbers of the houses IE:-1, 2 and 3. Now how smart is that? About 5 watt lightbulb qua. Now you can laugh like we have, but this guy actually told our live support assistant that he is a very ' light ' guy. .. lol (Yes about 5 watts)
What they can get by using a 1 month free trial account?
Spammers get a month of the spammers heaven, then they can open another account and to start all over again in another name!
Web host companies (not real) offer really cheap hosting. They will take your money and you will be left without a hosting account after a month, then they will be another free reseller trial account website offers really cheap hosting open and start the process again!
So if you're thinking about selling web hosting than you really have to be very cautious, read all the above and taking into account all of what I just said and good luck.
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