We must admire above all that there is no "free" hosting is. If a hosting provider offers free services, means that this state of affairs means is beneficial for him. By what appearance hosting provider runs on the account of the place of your website? Places of the website using such hosting services required from provider banner or publicity block on your website. These banners or links often corrupt reference design of the web pages, and bad influence on the image of the company, which is placing a website, use such hosting services.
The impression could be given, which a holder decided to cut down on bringing the site. There may be suspect: "can we trust this company?".
Free hosting services can be used by non-commercial websites a zero budget, but it is necessary to opt for such a service with the possibility of registration of the domain name yourself, with the possibility of changing hosting provider.
As a rule, there are plenty of free websites on a server hosting provider providing such services, placed by private individuals. Sometimes on such websites ' sick ' clients try to various programs and scripts that are intended for delivery of SPAM, etc. Using paid services, people will hardly risk the money, and to illegal activities.
As a rule, this service is completely automated and does not need the support of the administrators group. Actually, that kind of webhosting can do without support service. Therefore, if there are some unforeseen situation with the website, will be to settle quickly and effectively will not have a primary care provider. It's actually much easier to remove him from the website than to respond to letters of the customer.
Many different sites are using these free services. These sites have mainly a small volume and popular enough with plenty of visitors. That makes it certain load on a server and so on the internet channel of this server. It's not free providers for part to buy expensive powerful servers, so that their own servers on the border of the possibilities.
Providers offer "free space" as a rule limiting functional capabilities of the services of considering safety and productivity of the server. Most providers give such free package without support for PHP and MYSQL.
Domain Name
It is necessary to register the domain name of your site on yourself, but not on your provider while ordering hosting. As a result, will you be able to change hosting provider without losing your own domain name.
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