These days, it's not hard to find hosting providers that allow you to make free use of their services. If you select this option to host your site, than you know about that you must consider different aspects.
First, the most free hosting providers will place ads on your Web pages. Some of them bank on pop-up ads. These ads may distract your visitors attention. They may not fit with the topic of your site. However, this is how they got their service without cost.
There are also risks that a free hosting provider shut down their services. When this happens you will lose account, including all the pages that you have uploaded to the server.
With free webhosts you get a free domain name, more precisely a subdomain. You will find it very difficult to get a good rank in the search engines. Search engines tend to consider websites that use domain names as unprofessional. And they make you hard to win trust of visitors of the site.
Also features offered by free hosting quite limited. Many of them don't let you setup databases for your site. This means that many scripts cannot be installed on their servers. They do not normally even allow multiple e-mail accounts set up.
And what's more, most of the time the disk spaces offered by free hosting are not enough to save a large Web site.The same also applies to the bandwidth provided. Most free hosting services are not suitable for busy sites that have tons of visitors.
In summary, similar to all other types of services or products, there's nothing really free in this life. In the case of free hosting service, the costs that you need to pay the incarceration and limit have to walk on.
This article is not intended to ensure that you stay away from free hosting services. If you want to build a hobby site for which no bells and whistles than you can for them. However, if you develop a professional website than a paid webhost should be your choice.
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